MICDS 5th Graders explored the world during Adventure Night

5th Graders Explored the World at Adventure Night

The annual 5th Grade Adventure Night kicked off during the day on Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9. Both school days were dedicated to learning more about this year’s theme, “Around the World.» Students learned more about the cultures, animals and people of several different countries from around the world, including Uruguay, Australia, China and Zimbabwe, as well as designing and building an ancient Roman catapult.

Students had a packed schedule of events on Wednesday and Thursday during the school day which culminated with Adventure Night Thursday evening. There were a number of different activities throughout the evening that included a portable planetarium from the Challenger Learning Center, a board game named Escape!, Kung Fu lessons by the St. Louis Shaolin Kung Fu School, and a Seven Wonders of the World breakout room. Morgan Macam ’26 said, «The planetarium was really cool. I learned about the Big Dipper and how it connects to the mama bear, and the myth around that. I will always remember Mr. Roberts’ station, an escape room, and working with my team on trying to escape. Adventure Night will definitely be one of my favorite memories from fifth grade.»

At the end of the evening, students competed against each other to see whose Roman catapult could launch their marshmallow the furthest. The evening finished off with pizza, yard games and music before students and their teachers camped out in the South Gym.

The following morning, students selected a sunrise session. They created masterpieces in the art studio, read their favorite books or played kickball and cricket. After the sunrise sessions, students enjoyed breakfast in their advisories before they were given their laser-engraved, student-designed Adventure Night magnets. Trevor Gatz ’26 said, «Adventure night was really fun! We got to experience different cultures and different things in our world, like Kung Fu and also about the stars and constellations.»

The goal of Adventure Night is to provide the Class of 2026 with the opportunity to celebrate their class and community, learn from each other and experience the beauty of campus from a different perspective. Students were excited to extend their learning beyond the classroom and grow in a different environment!