Making New Melodies in the Beasley Winter Program

What happens when you aren’t able to bring all Beasley students together for their traditional Beasley Winter Program? Leave it to our incredible Lower School Music Teachers Barb Spieler and Kathy Norvell to invent a pandemic-proof performance that still brings a smile to our faces.

This year brought a wintery mix of talent sharing and winter songs to the virtual stage. Students in grades one through four were invited to submit videos that showcased their talents. The submissions varied with pianists, magicians, vocalists, and a cellist, as well as some less-traditional talent show performances, such as tree climbing, golfing, and wakeboarding. About half of the Beasley students in grades one through four contributed individual videos of their talents.

Junior and senior kindergarten students recorded movement and instrument activities that accompany winter songs. «These were a fun workaround,» said Spieler, «since we are not currently singing at Beasley because of health and safety issues.» The movement and instrument activities included the cohorts of students who are currently on campus as well as distance learners.

On Thursday morning, the Talent Sharing and JK/SK Winter song videos were shared with students during their virtual assembly. Each grade level watched the video that highlights the performances of their respective classmates, and the additional videos that featured other grade levels were available to all students on Seesaw.

It wouldn’t be the Beasley Winter Program without the culminating, annual song of Circle the Earth (With Peace) by Joanne Hammil. Below are the lyrics to sing this song with your family if you so wish!
Peace, peace, peace,
peace the whole world over.
Building friendships, sharing our worth.
Take my hand, let’s circle the earth with
peace, peace, peace.
We look forward to the day when the entire Beasley community can come together again to make music. Until then, enjoy the video above, and have a peaceful, healthy, and happy winter break!