MICDS Welcomes New Parents with Warmth and Inspiration

Head of School Jay Rainey and his wife Ruth recently hosted a warm welcome event for new parents joining the MICDS family. Among them are families new to the St. Louis area, alumni, those with deep-rooted ties to the school, and many in between.

Over breakfast, parents mingled and shared stories of why they chose MICDS, forming connections within their respective grade levels and beyond.

Mr. Rainey highlighted one of the School’s unique features—multiple entry points that foster an environment where students and their families continuously meet new people. He emphasized that students’ closest friendships expand, and the community evolves, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. He also underscored his open-door policy, reinforcing that this journey is a collective effort.

Additionally, Mr. Rainey stressed the significance of philanthropy at MICDS. He used the powerful metaphor of «Friday’s Tree,» illustrating how a gift to the MICDS Fund today can grow into monumental achievements, from curing diseases to addressing global challenges. The School’s commitment to nurturing confident individuals who can tackle the world’s complexities relies on these seeds of support.

To all new MICDS parents, a warm and hearty welcome! We are thrilled to have you as part of our community.