Upper School Choirs Celebrate Winter with Vivaldi’s „Gloria“

As a beautiful conclusion to the first semester, the MICDS Upper School Choirs presented two performances of the 16th annual Winter Masterworks Concert in Orthwein Theatre.

Accompanied by a professional orchestra and under the direction of Dana Self, Upper School Choirs Director, the 65-voice choir performed selections from Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria. Vivaldi composed this work during his time in Venice, circa 1715. Gloria was intended for the choir of the Ospedale della Pietà. This renowned institution housed and educated young girls and was famous for its high-quality musical training and exceptional choir and orchestra. As a priest, music teacher, and virtuoso violinist, Vivaldi dedicated much of his career to the Ospedale. Gloria’s distinctive melodies, rhythmic vitality, and overall sunny disposition are hallmarks of Vivaldi’s style, contributing to its enduring popularity and universal appeal.

The show started with an uplifting classic to set the holiday mood: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (arr. by Alan Billingsley.) Grant LaMartina ’25 and Amisha Poojari ’25 then took the mic to officially welcome the audience and get everyone into the holiday spirit. Poojari said, „Today is bittersweet: 15 seniors on the stage for our final Winter Masterworks concert. Together, we have learned about these great composers, attended countless rehearsals…and spent many nights and weekends practicing at home preparing for tonight’s performance.“ LaMartina shared, „Tonight’s concert is an opportunity for us to be exposed to music often left untouched at the high school level. I think I speak for every singer on the stage when I say, this hasn’t been easy, but having an audience makes it all worth it.“

The choirs then performed Sleigh Ride (Leroy Anderson) and The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) (arr. Mark Hayes) before commencing the headliner, Gloria.

Gloria includes six movements that highlight the complexity and beauty of Vivaldi’s piece. The first part starts with a celebratory tone, and the music alternates between the choir and the orchestra. The second part is slower and leads into a fast, complicated section filled with energy and rhythm. The fourth part is a short, catchy, repetitive piece that leads to two powerful, complex parts with overlapping melodies.

The choirs also performed numerous winter and holiday favorites, including Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! and Winter Wonderland (both arr. Andy Beck), Slow Dancing in the Snow (arr. Jay Althouse), a slow 50’s style rock ballad that cleverly mixes memories of summer with the images of winter, and Jingle Bells (arr. By Mark Hayes, as performed by Barbra Streisand).

Max Thomas ’25, a senior in the MICDS Chamber Choir, offered closing remarks. He thanked the volunteers and the Parents Association Arts Backers for supporting the students through two evening performances, including dinner and more, and the professional musicians who accompanied the choirs during their performances. He then invited audience members to join in the traditional singing of Handel’s Hallelujah from Messiah.

Thank you, Upper School Choirs, for your hard work over the last several weeks preparing to fill our hearts and souls with music to celebrate the holiday season!

Click here to view the complete concert program.
