Upper School Thespians Present «Eurydice»

Last week, a talented cast and crew of Upper School thespians presented «Eurydice,» a play by Sarah Ruhl that is a unique take on the story of Orpheus. KR Ellenhorn ’26 wrote an outstanding review for the production and published it in The Voice, the student newspaper of the MICDS Upper School. To read the review, parents can find The Voice by logging into the Portal and clicking «Resources» and then «Parent Resources» in the top navigation bar. Scroll down to The Voice tile and click through to the online publication. The review is on the front page.

Click here to view the program, and below are photos of the production, in which you’ll see the the creativity of our crew who developed the set under the guidance of Upper School Arts Teacher Patrick Huber. Yes, the set featured rainfall inside an elevator!

Bravo! Brava! to a wonderful production!