By Laura Pupillo, Lower School Science Teacher
Beasley 2nd grade scientists have been exploring the water cycle and water’s impact on the land. We explored how to filter water and what happens to bare soil during rain events, which brought us to our discovery of erosion. Using the process of biomimicry, students explored ways to protect soil from erosion and found the importance of plant roots in an ecosystem. During our creek walk, we got to see firsthand how roots help protect the soil. As we wrapped up our study, we explored where water is located on planet Earth and learned that some people on our planet don’t have access to clean water. Knowing this sprung us into action as we explored ways to help. We learned about several organizations working to bring clean water to those in need and wanted to be sure we shared what we learned with others. Furthermore, we learned that one of the easiest and best ways to take care of water is to conserve water and plant good plants to keep soil intact. Our water study was such an exciting journey that we had to share. We hope you enjoy Our Water Story, and remember, we all need water!