Be part of our future.
We are thankful for each and every contribution to our School as we continue striving for excellence. All gifts are an investment in the MICDS student experience. There are several ways to make a contribution; decide which method of giving fits you best by referring to the information on this page. Thank you for being part of our present and future successes at MICDS!

Give Now
Make an immediate impact.
Ways to Give
- Make a Gift by Credit Card, PayPal, or Venmo
Make a secure, online one-time or recurring credit card, PayPal, or Venmo gift here.
For credit card gifts, Visa and Mastercard are preferred, and MICDS also accepts American Express and Discover. These gifts are recognized at full value on the date that a charge is accepted by the bank. If you wish to make a credit card gift, the information you provide will be used solely for processing your gift and verifying contact information.
- Make a Gift by Check
Please make checks payable to MICDS. Be sure to indicate if your gift is for the MICDS Fund, a particular endowment, a capital project, or any combination thereof. If you have any questions regarding a donation by check to MICDS, please contact Sue Ann Stanton, Associate Development Director – Annual Giving at 314-995-7381 or
Send check to:
101 N Warson Rd
Saint Louis, MO 63124 - Pledge and Pay Later
Participation matters. Build sustaining support by making a pledge to the MICDS Fund here.
- Support Reunion Giving with a Multi-Year Pledge
Multi-year giving commitments allow MICDS to look beyond the present and plan for a vibrant future for our students. Gifts made over five years allow smaller gifts to add up quickly, and the entire amount will count in your Reunion Class Gift total. They have the most impact as they ensure a steady stream of support for MICDS. Make your commitment here.
- Make a Gift of Stock
Please download our Gift of Stock Instructions here.
IMPORTANT: If you plan to make a gift of stock to MICDS, in order for us to ensure we credit your gifts and acknowledge you properly, please notify us of your intention first. Due to changes in brokerages’ communication policies, it is possible we will not be able to access the identification of the donor or issuing brokerage behind the transfer.
- Support the School Through Your Donor-Advised Fund
Please consider recommending MICDS as an organization to support through your donor-advised fund. MICDS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization eligible for charitable contributions.
- Matching Gifts
You may be able to double or triple your donation to MICDS. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Gifts from spouses and retirees may also qualify for a match. Find out if your company has a matching gift program below or here.
- Design Your Unique Giving Plan
You can support MICDS with gifts that don’t impact the way you live by designating the School to receive estate assets in the future or by making immediate gifts to us of assets that are „out of sight and out of mind.“ Please contact Elizabeth Coulter ’08, Director of Development at (314) 995-7416 or
to discuss options.
Contact Us
We look forward to connecting with you!
Sue Ann Stanton, Associate Director of Development-Annual Giving
(314) 995-7381 or
For other special giving opportunities, please contact:
Elizabeth Coulter ’08, Director of Development
(314) 995-7416 or