Beasley Scientists Learn From Local Naturalist

Laura Pupillo, Lower School Science Specialist, introduced a new guest to our Beasley friends this week in the Lower School Assembly: Naturalist Leslie Memula from the Litzsinger Road Ecology Center. Pupillo visited Memula at the LREC and together they recorded a great „in the wild“ presentation for our young scientists. Scroll down to watch this fascinating video.

Pupillo said, „The theme for this video is habitat, ecosystem and being a Water Citizen Scientist. In Beasley Science, we have explored the topics in this video in a variety of ways. The hope of this video is that students will make connections to these topics while also deeping their learning. Furthermore, we hope to energize our Beasley students to become Water Citizen Scientists. After all, you don’t have to be a grown-up to participate in real meaningful science that betters the world. On April 30, during the Lower School Community Day of Learning, students will have the opportunity to put on their Citizen Science hats as they look for signs of life in our waterways at school and at home, students will learn what they can do to keep waterways in their neighborhoods clean and healthy. From sampling macroinvertebrates—or „creek critters“ as Leslie calls them—to picking up trash, we can all do our part to protect water.