From the Desk of Jay Rainey – December 9, 2022

Earlier this week, I surveyed our students, faculty, and staff to determine which holiday season jokes are the funniest—and which ones are not. Curious to know what I learned? “Yule” need to keep reading to find out 🙄 .

In judging each of the 20 jokes in the survey, participants could choose between “very funny” (🤣), “kind of funny” (😊), or “not funny” (😐). A total of 240 Rams weighed in, and in their collective wisdom, the following are the worst jokes of the holiday season.

#5: Why does Santa eat his Eggs Benedict on a hubcap? ‚Cause there’s no plate like chrome for the hollandaise!
#4: What falls in the winter but never gets hurt? Snow.
#3: What’s Santa Claus’s favorite brand of potato chip? Crisp Pringles!
#2: How does New Year’s Day end? With the letter “Y.”

And the very worst holiday joke of them all?

#1: Have you seen the holiday movie about fruitcake? It’s called Loaf Actually. 🙄

Now for the top five funniest holiday jokes.

#5: What do you call an elf that runs away from Santa’s workshop? A rebel without a Claus!
#4: Why is Santa scared of getting stuck in a chimney? He has Claus-trophobia.
#3: How does Santa Claus keep track of every fireplace he’s ever visited? He keeps a log.
#2: How do you know when Santa’s around? You can always sense his presents.

And the very best holiday joke of them all?

#1: What do you call a snowman with a six pack? The abdominal snowman. ☃️💪

The survey concluded with an open-ended question: “In this season of reflection and thanksgiving, when you look back on the school year so far, is there one thing in particular—an experience, a teacher, a friend, an opportunity, a moment—for which you are especially grateful?” I received 168 responses to this question, of which the following are a randomly selected representation.

  • “I am grateful for the wonderful colleagues and students who make each day at MICDS an adventure and a pleasure.” – Anonymous
  • “I am very grateful for my advisor. She has gotten me through some tough spots throughout the year.” – Catherine (Middle School)
  • “Our lunch staff work so hard every day to give us hot food and a clean lunch room. I am thankful for them.” – Anonymous
  • “I am grateful for the ‘lasts’ that I get to spend with my friends as a senior. It reminds me how many memories I’ve had with them, and how even though nothing ever comes to an end, it is important to enjoy all the time we have left.” – Anonymous
  • “Being a Ram Ambassador and representing MICDS! I love sharing with others what we are learning about in school.” – Edie (Lower School)
  • “I’m grateful for our beautiful campus. This fall, there were some really amazing frogs in the MICDS pond. They were fantastically cool, and I enjoyed their antics. I hope they return next year!” – Ms. Check (Upper School)
  • “I am grateful for my teacher Ms. Chang, because she helps me to be a better person and is a great teacher.” – Anonymous
  • “I am especially grateful that our varsity cross country team made it to state because everyone worked so hard, and there was so much support from our friends and family. I love that team.” – Bridget (Upper School)
  • “I am very grateful for my friends because they are always here to support me.” – Anonymous
  • “Just the other day, our photographer Mr. Colletti surprised me with a couple of excellent albums to add to our Middle School Makerspace collection. It was completely out of the blue and such a kind gesture.” – Mr. Lawrence (Middle School)
  • “Spending time with family and friends during the holiday break.” – Anonymous
  • “I am grateful for my time at the St. Louis Art Museum with our art history students, and the random other students we have run into there who have joined our group.” – Mr. Huber (Upper School)
  • “I am very thankful for Mr. Youngman. He is very nice!” – Zara (Middle School)
  • “I’m grateful for the small moments: when a student’s face lights up when I deliver a book they had on hold, or when a senior kindergarten student gets to return the library books for the first time and gets to use the book drop, or when the students are so proud of themselves for remembering to return library books.” – Ms. Liebman (Lower School)
  • “I am grateful for my English class. I always know that I will have fun with my teacher and my classmates, but I can also look forward to learning new things and having deep discussions.” – Anonymous
  • „I am very grateful for the time when Mr. Menneke took me to the bookstore to get something of my choice because I was allergic to the soft-serve ice cream we were having that day.” – Jules (Middle School)
  • “I am very grateful for all the upperclassmen who have helped me learn how to get around the school.” – Tommy (Upper School)
  • “I am grateful for the energy and enthusiasm of my students!” – Anonymous
  • “I am thankful for Mr. Campbell. He is a great teacher and always listens to his students.” – Anonymous
  • “I am especially grateful for our teachers here at MICDS. They are dedicated and caring in addition to being super smart and insanely creative. I wish I had teachers like this when I was in school!” – Mrs. Zlatic (Marketing and Communications)

If only I had enough space here to share all 168 of them! Well, maybe there’s room for just one more. “I am thankful,” said one of our Lower School students, “for my wonderful teachers, friends, family, shelter, food, and the holidays. I feel so lucky to have a life like this.” So do I!

By the way, what do Rams always say in December? “Fleece Navidad!” 🙄

Always reason, always compassion, always courage. My best wishes to you for a very happy weekend with your loved ones.

Jay Rainey
Head of School