May Day for Seniors & Ribbon Presenters: May 5 at 1:00 p.m.

A Bright and Sunny PA Winter Coffee

By Kayleen Carmody P’26

We had a wonderful sunny morning for the Parents Association Winter Coffee on Friday, February 23. Parents and guardians connected with each other and enjoyed breakfast treats and tasty scones made by Annie Sloane P’20, ’25, Parents Association President. This event was chaired by Kayleen Carmody P’26 and Katie Haw P’28 with support from Betty Spitzfaden P’33, ’35, ’37.

Guest speakers were Dr. Sally Maxwell, Assistant Head of School for Teaching and Learning, and Erin Hamill, Director of Global Learning. Dr. Maxwell shared highlights of Winter Term across all grade levels and the broad range of the senior internship experiences. The goals for Winter Term included giving kids ownership over their own learning and encouraging learning outside of core interests.

Hamill shared Winter Term travel experiences. Students went to Spain, where they immersed themselves in the language and studied the influences of immigration in Southern Spain. Another group of students went to South Africa, where they focused on history, culture, and conservation work. Students also participated in domestic Network Exchanges with other schools in the U.S.

Kelly Wright P’25, ’27, ’29, the Parents Association’s Past President, reviewed the slate of officers for the 2024-2025 Executive Board and the 2024-2025 Class Chairs. There are many Parents Association activities coming up in March and April, including the Spring Luncheon on April 26. We hope to see you at the next events!