May Day for Seniors & Ribbon Presenters: May 5 at 1:00 p.m.

A Message from Lisa Lyle, Head of School

Allow me to take this opportunity to thank students, faculty, staff and parents for their cooperation yesterday (Wednesday, May 25) during the severe weather we experienced right at student dismissal time. As soon as the warning was announced and a funnel cloud sighted in the vicinity, we went into tornado mode, a drill we practice several times a year. While this doubtless posed an inconvenience for some, our goal was to ensure the safety of everyone on our campus. Thank you to our students who quickly went to designated locations, to the parent drivers who came in to wait out the storm, and to the many faculty and staff who stayed late to ensure that everyone got picked up. While it is our hope that yesterday’s event will not repeat itself, it was helpful for us to experience this under the less controlled conditions of dismissal. As administrators, we debriefed today to see what could have been done differently and determined that we will follow the same basic protocol in the future should this happen again. Know your children will be kept in the safest possible locations and supervised by caring adults. Here’s hoping for nothing but sunny skies throughout the long holiday weekend!