Middle School Choir Shines with Spring Performances

This week the MICDS Middle School choir finished their Spring performances schedule. Joys and Jubilations, High Hopes and Hallelujahs was directed by Jason Roberts, Middle School Choir Teacher, and accompanied on the piano by Matt Safely. Sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students sang music from the 1600s to modern Broadway and Pop. “I was so proud of the choir students and their performance for the 2023 Spring Concert,” said Mr. Roberts. “It was really a lot of fun to take that journey through music history. »

The choirs partnered with orchestra musicians for some of the songs as well, performing together on Coldplay’s Viva La Vida. Roberts was beaming with pride and gratitude following the performances, saying, “After three years of not being on stage due to Covid, my musical cup was finally filled thanks to these musicians and their tremendous efforts on stage for this performance. I couldn’t be prouder.” 

Well done, Rams!