May Day for Seniors & Ribbon Presenters: May 5 at 1:00 p.m.

3rd Graders showcase their states in Taste of the USA

3rd Graders Showcase Taste of the USA

This week, 3rd graders hosted a Taste of the USA event as a culmination of their states study. Each student has been researching a state within the region they had been studying. They used all of the nonfiction reading and writing skills they learned over the trimester to research the people, nature, culture, economy and history of their states. Students then made a website featuring the information they found through their research. The websites were on display for parents during the event, and each student brought a dish that represented their state in some way—from Tatertot casserole from North Dakota to Coca Cola and Peach Crisp from Georgia, Banana Pudding from Alabama, Gumbo from Louisiana and more.

“Bringing in food from each state was a fun way to celebrate with their families as they shared the website they created in class,” said 3rd Grade Teacher Aubrey Schmoll.