May Day for Seniors & Ribbon Presenters: May 5 at 1:00 p.m.

Please see your email for further details.

After abbreviating today’s May Day program for safety reasons, the School will host a modified May Day event on Sunday, May 5, at 1:00 p.m. on Lilly’s Field for seniors and ribbon presenters to perform parts of the program that were omitted today. Please see your email for further details.

Students and Families Welcomed in a Variety of Ways

The air was charged with excitement on the first day of school, but students had already been all over campus for a variety of events and activities before August 20. From JK through 12, for returning students and those just being welcomed into the MICDS community, there were opportunities for everyone to connect with teachers and the campus.

Beasley friends kicked off their year with a series of grade-level back-to-school parties. Children and parents visited their classrooms and met their teachers and classmates. All JK and new SK students enjoyed Connection Day, which offered them the opportunity to begin building relationships with homeroom teachers while becoming familiar with their new school and classroom. Children spent 30 minutes in small groups while parents visited with each other and with Interim Head of Lower School Amy Scheer, Lower School Counselor and Learning Specialist Ashley O’Toole and Associate Director of Admission Kimberly Saur in the Beasley cafeteria. A few days later, all JK and SK students, along with new students in Grades 1-4, returned to MICDS for orientation with their Buddy Families.

In the Middle School, the summer Bridge program allowed incoming students the opportunity to find friends among their fellow new students, meet Middle School teachers and learn their way around our beautiful campus. From game-show style group quizzes over the dress code to scavenger hunts around the Middle School and athletics facilities, fun activities made sure new Middle Schoolers were well prepared for their first day at MICDS. Bridge families also gathered for a welcome breakfast with Head of School Jay Rainey. The Friday before school started, Middle Schoolers enjoyed Launch Day. They reconnected with friends and maybe found a new friend in a locker neighbor. They learned who their advisors are for the year and enjoyed social time with the Kona snow cone truck in the Middle School courtyard. Parents heard from their class deans and chairs and spent time visiting with each other as well.

In the Upper School, a variety of events aimed at welcoming returning and new students and families set the stage for a successful year. Book Day filled Olson, May, Brauer and McDonnell Halls with an excited buzz. The day before school started, all 9th graders and new 10th-12th graders were welcomed to Upper School orientation where they received information designed to make their transition to the MICDS Upper School as smooth as possible. Ninth grade parents participated in their own orientation and went on a tour of the Upper School portion of our campus, while their students took advantage of team-building exercises in the North Gym. MICDS also welcomed a number of international students—from China, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, India, France, Canada, Great Britain and Turkey—to our campus this year, and offered an International Bridge program to help them get acquainted.

Welcome to all our new and returning students and families. We’re excited about continuing to build a wonderful community over the 2019-2020 school year, and we are so happy you are here!