Alex Ludwig ’26 Speaks at Eighth Grade Celebration

Alex Ludwig ’26 shared these remarks with classmates, friends, and families at the Eighth Grade Celebration in May 2022.

Some say that we are made from stardust, and while on a molecular level this may be true, I believe it is our memories that truly make us. Our friends, teachers, and peers have shaped our memories and, from that, have changed the way we feel, think, and act. So, no matter how many years you’ve attended this school, I think it’s fair to say that we’ve all changed since we first arrived here.

This year, especially in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, it could be difficult to work with others and make new friends, but here we are, finally at the end, the finish line just inches away. We all should congratulate ourselves. This year we have broken long-standing records, achieved many academic and athletic awards, and most importantly, have never given up on each other. We never left someone behind, we always tried to work as a team, and we’ve all been so inclusive and supportive of everyone.

Instead of focusing on really small and individual moments, I would like to reflect on this class as a whole. No matter who you are, there is a place for you in this class. We all fit together to create a unique and intricately woven quilt, each of us a square with our own story. All of us are so unique, and not one of us shares the same pattern. On its own, a single square of a quilt cannot serve its intended purpose. That’s why it’s so important to be able to count on the other squares, or people, to help you get to the end goal that you want to reach. And personally, I believe that this class has made a space for people to feel safe to take risks and depend on each other without the fear of being judged or left behind. I can always count on my classmates to be there for me and to cheer me up. As we push forward into our ninth-grade year, I hope we all sustain this environment for both ourselves and others. I know we will continue to be this quilt, sewn together but always growing. Each patch adding more instead of taking away from the whole.

Now that we’re done with everything, it’s time for us to relax and enjoy the rest of our time as eighth graders. So, in conclusion, thank you, Class of 2026. Thank you to all the teachers who pour their hearts into their lessons and tirelessly work with each student. Thank you to all the advisors who look out for us. And most importantly, thank you for the most wonderful eighth-grade year I could’ve ever imagined. As always, continue to shoot for the moon, but even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars and be remembered forevermore.
