A representative from the zoo lets the JK students pet a rabbit

Beasley Students Say “Hello, Goodbye” to Animals on Campus

Tuesday was a wild day for Beasley students!

In the morning, Junior Kindergarteners got a visit from a representative of the Saint Louis Zoo, who introduced the students to three different animals: Socks the European rabbit, Aunt Jemima the pancake tortoise and Mort the ball python. The students were able to pet these different animals, sing songs about animals, ask questions and learn what the animals need to survive.

Later that day, the World Bird Sanctuary came to campus with a recently rehabilitated red-tailed hawk. The hawk had been previously injured and unable to fly, but had since fully recovered and was ready to be released back into the wild. All Beasley students made their way to the playground to witness this bird’s triumphant return to the skies. Lower school science teacher Ms. Christy Moore was given the opportunity to launch the hawk into the air after it had been earthbound for several weeks.
