Lower Schoolers hula hoop for Jump Rope for Heart

Beasley Students Jump Rope for Heart

The entire Beasley School gathered this week for the annual Jump Rope for Heart—a community service project held in conjunction with the American Heart Association. So far this year, the Lower School has collectively raised more than $9,000 for the organization! In addition to raising funds, the program aims to elevate students’ awareness about how their hearts work and the best way to take care of them. During the event, Lower Schoolers participated in jump rope activities, walking and running the track, basketball, hula hooping and an obstacle course.

Lower School P.E. teacher Sue Orlando kicked off the event, sharing a story about how one Lower Schooler, Reagan Saur ’29, made a lasting impression when she went door to door to raise money for the American Heart Association. While speaking with neighbors and friends about Jump Rope for Heart, Reagan found that many of them had suffered or knew someone who suffered from various heart conditions. They commended her for her participation in such an important cause.

Way to go Lower Schoolers!
