Cheerleaders Perform at Capital One Bowl

In June 2011, the MICDS cheerleading squad attended a Universal Cheerleading Association camp earned a “Superior Squad” award on the last day of camp. With the trophy came an invitation to perform during the pre-game festivities of the Capital One Bowl on January 2, 2012, in Orlando, FL. The invitation included uniforms, accommodations and Disney World passes. The cheerleaders and their coach, Fourth Grade Teacher Ally Golebiowski, few to Orlando on December 30 to participate in rehearsals alongside nearly 600 cheerleaders from across the country. They also fit in some free time at Disney World!

Congratulations to the MICDS Cheerleaders who participated: Jordan Shivers ’12, Troyaire Moore ’12, Katy Morey ’13, Maggie Martin ’14, Kayla Moore ’14, Megan Fox ’14, Yukako Ito ’13, Jazmyn Ferguson ’14, Jametria Wright ’12, Suzie Kozikowski ’12, Anna Greenhall ’13, Naja Pulliam ’12 and Lily Cella ’12.
