
Remote Learning Day - Tuesday, February 18

Due to inclement weather, MICDS will move to remote learning today, Tuesday, February 18. Middle and Upper School classes will begin at 9:00 a.m., and those students are expected to log in on time and follow their usual late-start class schedule. Links to teacher Zoom pages can be found on their Canvas Announcement pages. Lower School students will use the packet sent home in anticipation of remote learning, and parents should look for an email from their child's teacher. All on-campus activities are canceled, and all parking lots at MICDS will be closed to facilitate snow plows. All Middle School athletic practices and games are also canceled.

Team Building and Leadership Practice in the Upper School

During this week’s Enrichment, members of the Senior Leadership Group led 10th graders through a series of team building activities: Mov’n Right Along, Blind Puzzle and Blind Polygon. It appears they have all eyes on class unity! What a great way for the students to build community and learn to collaborate.