Fourth Graders Get Help Transitioning from Lower School to Middle School

As the school year nears its end, fourth-grade students are preparing to make the jump from the Lower School (LS) to the Middle School (MS). With that transition in mind, last week students were given a preview of some classroom material and what their Middle School experience will look like come Fall. 

They are apprehensive and excited about moving to the Middle School,” said Christine Mayer, Middle School Fifth Grade Dean. She and several other MS teachers helped lead groups of students on tours of Danforth Hall, showing them the cafeteria and room locations and telling them about office procedures and their class schedules. “Touring helps students become familiar with the layout of the school,” Mayer said. “Visiting these locations helps reduce anxiety about navigating the new environment on the first day of school.”

In addition to touring the Middle School, the fourth-grade students observed two core fifth-grade classes. Students spent 45 minutes in math, science, ELA, or history, then rotated to different classrooms for another 45 minutes. Lastly, fourth graders took part in a question-and-answer session with Mayer and a panel of fifth-grade students who attended Beasley. The Q&A session is important said Mayer. “It gives students the chance to ask questions about life in middle school, academics, extracurricular activities, and any concerns they may have. It can help them feel comfortable and at ease.”

The entire process is beneficial as students move from one division to the next. The early orientation can boost confidence and reduce first-day jitters, allowing students to start the new school year on a positive note.Overall, it can help smooth the transition from Beasley to Middle School and contribute to a more successful and enjoyable middle school experience,” said Mayer.