
Remote Learning Day - Tuesday, February 18

Due to inclement weather, MICDS will move to remote learning today, Tuesday, February 18. Middle and Upper School classes will begin at 9:00 a.m., and those students are expected to log in on time and follow their usual late-start class schedule. Links to teacher Zoom pages can be found on their Canvas Announcement pages. Lower School students will use the packet sent home in anticipation of remote learning, and parents should look for an email from their child's teacher. All on-campus activities are canceled, and all parking lots at MICDS will be closed to facilitate snow plows. All Middle School athletic practices and games are also canceled.

Highlights from Middle School Recognition Day

The Middle School community celebrated the achievements and contributions of students during the annual Recognition Day ceremony on May 22 in Mary Eliot Chapel. Students were recognized for their academic, leadership and athletic abilities.

The following awards were presented. Congratulations to everyone.

8th Grade Community Service Awards
Reni Akande and Sam Kastor
The 8th Grade Class of 2019 also raised $635.00 for the Cancer Research Institute.

Recognition of Student Council Leaders for 2015-2016
Class of 2020: Eliana Brook, Joe Condie, Meredith Goldberg and Adam Jasper

Robert N. Philips English Award
Sonya Shafqat, Sarah Niesen, Ana Larsen and Jonas Hart

Ralph E. Grimes History Award
Mimi Klahr, Jonas Hart, Sonya Shafqat and Steve Schepman

Math Award
Sam Hanser, Reni Akande, Andrew Zhao and Eleanor Goldman

Science Award
Jamerson Durrill, Luke McCollough, Elsa Sjogren and Tyler Purdy

World Languages Awards
French: Jennifer Goldberg and Ollie Reeb
Mandarin: Kelly Ye and Andrew Zhao
Latin: Zuri Reid and Sam Kastor
Spanish: Mimi Klahr and Alex Fox

Oonk Awards
Football: Elijah Myers
Basketball: Jeffrey Desloge
Baseball: Ollie Reeb
Soccer: Luke McCollough
Track & Field: Josh Sutton
Lacrosse: Kyle Brandtjen
Wrestling: Gus Arnold

Altvater Awards
Field Hockey: Katherine Kosup
Soccer: Eleanor Goldman
Volleyball: Kodi Hayes
Track & Field: Olivia Proctor
Cross Country: Krysten Holmes
Lacrosse: Hope Abel

Eugene W. Harris Chess Award
Andrew Zhao

National Geographic Society 2015 Geography Bee School Champion
Aanjaneyaa Venkatachalapathy

Yale Book Award
5th Grade: Bogdan Hamilton and Kate Oliver
6th Grade: Ryan Jasper and Ava Mandoli
7th Grade: Kyle Fehr and Renee Stanec

Rutledge Award
5th Grade: Sebastian Ashman and Sea Gira
6th Grade: Payton Shanks and Raneem Alzahabi
7th Grade: Taileon Smith and Bryn Daney
8th Grade: Henry Carpenter, Rishi Anand and Olivia Proctor

Stanford Award
Kiki Arnold

Amherst Award
Sam Hanser

Jan deGreeff Jacobi Award
Jude Sorkin and Grace Vogel

James Schenler Wood Award
Julia Amato, Michael Gira and Katherine Kosup

The Eliot Award
5th Grade: Charlie Giles and Alden Small
6th Grade: Trevon Bobo and Te’a Mitchell
7th Grade: Adam Jasper and Lauren Wallace
8th Grade: Kiki Arnold and Sam Hanser