
Remote Learning Day - Tuesday, February 18

Due to inclement weather, MICDS will move to remote learning today, Tuesday, February 18. Middle and Upper School classes will begin at 9:00 a.m., and those students are expected to log in on time and follow their usual late-start class schedule. Links to teacher Zoom pages can be found on their Canvas Announcement pages. Lower School students will use the packet sent home in anticipation of remote learning, and parents should look for an email from their child's teacher. All on-campus activities are canceled, and all parking lots at MICDS will be closed to facilitate snow plows. All Middle School athletic practices and games are also canceled.

Upper School Athletics Activities Canceled - Tuesday, February 18

All Upper School sports practices and events planned for this afternoon/evening are canceled. All coaches have communicated this information to their athletic programs.

Ram at MICDS Football game

Homecoming 2017 Recap, Photos and Highlight Video

This year’s Homecoming provided fun, competition and school spirit for the entire MICDS community. The community celebrated cherished traditions old and new, made new friends and enjoyed sports competitions with rival JBS Bombers throughout the weekend.

Spirit Week leading up to Homecoming weekend offered several fun dress days in each division and the Senior Boat Races. Friday’s action included Food Trucks, Pep Rallies, and the traditional Bonfire. Saturday started early with the MICDS-JBS Fun Run (with an MICDS 5th grader winning first place!) and the Homecoming Carnival. Sporting events were held throughout the morning and afternoon, ending with the MICDS-JBS football game and a 52-0 win! Thank you all for cheering on your Rams.

Enjoy the photo album.

Watch the video below: