May Day for Seniors & Ribbon Presenters: May 5 at 1:00 p.m.

MICDS Faculty and Staff Virtual Recognition for 30 and 35 Year Employee Milestones

We hope you have enjoyed the recent stories celebrating faculty and staff for their 10 and 15 year milestones and 20 and 25 year milestones. This week, we honor those faculty and staff who have served at MICDS for 30 and 35 years—impressive! Because of the distance learning environment, we are unable to physically come together as a community to celebrate our faculty and staff as we normally would; however, that won’t stop us from honoring them from afar! 

Congratulations on this momentous occasion, and thank you for all that you do for the MICDS community! Please be on the lookout in the weeks to come as we celebrate other important faculty and staff honors.

Kathleen Armstrong - 35 Years

Kathleen Armstrong teaches Language Arts in the Middle School, and her students appreciate her helpfulness and encouragement every day. One student said, “Her classroom is so fun, and you feel so happy to be with her.” Another commented, “Mrs. Armstrong is awesome because I can always rely on her when I need help with homework or friends.” They appreciate how she goes the extra mile, even with the book club she hosts each year. “It is so nice that she spends so much time putting it together, and she also includes the 4th Graders, who she doesn’t know. I know both Beasley and Middle Schoolers love it.” Her students all agree that Mrs. Armstrong should continue teaching for many, many more years!

Tim Storey - 35 Years

Tim Storey is the 8th Grade Dean, and he teaches drama in the Middle School. One of his students said, “Mr. Storey is a very kind teacher and always makes sure that everyone in class does their best.” His colleague reflected on what makes him so special. “It is difficult to sum up Tim in a few sentences, as we have been teaching partners and friends for over 20 years. Tim is a master educator. That is because he never ever loses sight of his number one priority: the students. Whether it is in the classroom, a meeting with administration, or as the team leader, his choices are based on what is best for the kids. As a mentor and friend, he is able to listen and gently guide you to your own epiphany. And if that doesn’t work, he is not afraid to have a courageous conversation. Tim is a watcher and a thinker. He speaks when he needs to but he doesn’t feel the need to fill the space with words. His presence is calming and I am grateful for him every day.”

Sandra Lee - 30 Years

Sandra Lee is the devoted, loving and passionate Lower School Librarian. Her colleagues shared so much appreciation for her in their comments. “Her heart is bigger than all of the words written in the books in the library. There is not one student or colleague who she doesn’t call her own, and she cares deeply about each one. One of her biggest joys is reading to the students and taking them to new places or helping them discover something new. She is truly loved by all who have entered the Beasley library and if you have entered the Beasley library, you know that you have truly been loved.” Another colleague said, “She delights in books, and she shares her enthusiasm with students and faculty by finding literary surprises for us, carefully chosen to fit our interests and needs.” Another noted, “From learning to read and then progressing to reading to learn Sandra is there every step of the way for her students.” Sandra has a calm influence on the entire Beasley Lower School, and her dedication is demonstrated by the fact that she is one of the first people at School and one of the last people to leave. One colleague summed it up well, “Whether we are students or teachers, we can all agree that it has been a true joy to learn from Mrs. Lee every day. Her generosity, love for children and love for reading have always provided a shining example for others in the MICDS community to follow!”

Patrick Huber - 30 Years

Patrick Huber is a fine and performing arts teacher in the Upper School, and he has served as the director for a number of amazing plays and student performances over the years. One student shared, “Mr. Huber is really unlike any teacher in that he does everything in his power to be there for you, not only as an instructor but as a friend, too. Whether it be him asking every advisory if you need advice, or taking a genuine interest in your clubs and activities, Mr. Huber never fails to make a bond with each and every one of his students.” Another student remarked, “His exuberance and excitement for life extends beyond his classroom and extracurricular commitments to spill over into his relationships and make his genuine care palpable in every conversation.” 

Congratulations and thank you to all of these wonderful faculty and staff members for their years of service!