Middle School Holds First Virtual Assembly of the Year

Every fall, Jen Schuckman, Head of the Middle School, likes to gather the community together for the first time in Eliot Chapel. Students hear from teachers and peers, and the meeting sets the tone for the rest of the academic year. Fifth graders learn that the 8th graders have the honor of sitting up front, and that in four short years they’ll move from the back to first rows. All of the students are reminded of the Middle School Code of Honor and together they recite their beloved mantra: Do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do. What do you do when you can’t gather in one space, though?

This year, Schuckman took the assembly online. She started by showing a photo of last year’s opening Middle School assembly so new students could see what it usually looks like. She then welcomed new 5th graders to the Middle School, many of whom moved up from Beasley. She recognized every grade individually and welcomed new students of all ages. She especially called on 8th graders to take their spot as leaders.

Schuckman then introduced new teachers, showing photos and offering fun facts. Susan Taylor-Alonso, Middle School Learning Specialist, introduced Taquera Walker, our new Middle School Counselor.

This new normal for assemblies will take a bit of getting used to, but the first one went well and we’re already looking forward to the next time we can gather as a Middle School community.

Do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do!