Mock Trial Team Finishes Third in State Competition

In early March, the MICDS Mock Trial Team qualified to participate at the State Mock Trial competition, which was held in Columbia, MO, during the weekend of March 28. The team competed in four trials, winning their first two cases against Kansas City teams. In the third trial, MICDS defeated Priory to advanced to the Final Four and the semifinal round of competition. The team concluded the season with a third place finish in the State competition.

This year’s case was a recipe for murder – featuring a corrupt cop, a ruthless con artist and a botched investigation. It was a clear case of business turning personal in the trial of a restaurant owner accused of murdering her business partner.

Mock Trial team members began preparing for their competition season in November, spending many hours learning every aspect of the assigned case, preparing witness testimonies, opening and closing arguments, and evidence. Students also assumed roles as attorneys and witnesses. Congratulations to the 2015 Mock Trial Team and their coaches, Tanya Roth and Elizabeth Elliott.

Shreya Anand*
Rebecca Antony*
Max Bernstein*
Evan Brown
Alex Curylo
Louisa Goldman
Pilar Gonzalez Navarrine*
Mitzi Harris
Davis Johnston
Josh Levinson*
Leila Payer
Mac Rouse*
Chloe Stallion
(*indicates member of the State team)
