May Day for Seniors & Ribbon Presenters: May 5 at 1:00 p.m.

Student Report: Rhythmic Rams Inspire the Elderly to Boogie at Nursing Homes

Student Author: Sasha Shanker ’22

Rhythmic Rams is an MICDS community service club that visits retirement and nursing homes to teach geriatric-friendly dances to the elderly in order to boost their health through exercise…and make it fun for them at the same time. This club was conceptualized and formed as a community service club at MICDS by Sasha Shanker ’22 under the guidance of Summer Beasley, Physical Education Faculty Member and Dance Coordinator. The other officers for this club are Hailey Kim ’22 and Ellie Gira ’22.

Recently, the Rhythmic Rams initiated their first one-hour-long dance session at Crown Center for Living with the help of their program director Laura Greenberg. The club volunteers taught residents simple dance moves to a variety of music from different generations. The seniors danced with a lot of enthusiasm based on their comfort level, some even in their wheelchairs.

The Rhythmic Rams believe that geriatric dances are beneficial because they can help counteract osteoporosis, improve cardiovascular health and also create fun at the same time. Currently, the Rhythmic Rams‘ program is the first and only dance program at Crown Living, and the students have dances scheduled with the center through March. The Rhythmic Rams are also looking for opportunities to branch out to more retirement homes in the near future and spread the joy and physical benefits of geriatric-friendly dancing to the rest of the St. Louis area.