Students Enjoy Annual Best Buddies Pajama Jam

The Best Buddies Upper School student group hosted an MICDS Pajama Jam party last Friday, January 26, for MICDS Best Buddies participants and their peer buddies from Neuwoehner High School–part of the Special School District of St. Louis County–and KEEN, Kids Enjoy Exercise Now–an organization that fosters confidence, self-esteem and community inclusion for youth with disabilities. Best Buddies International forms buddy pairs between individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those without.

The MICDS Pajama Jam was open to all buddy pairs in St. Louis. MICDS buddy pairs were joined by buddy pairs from numerous area schools, including students from Clayton, Ladue, Eureka, Rockwood Summit, and Parkway School Districts. Students came in their pajamas and enjoyed snacks, decorated pillowcases, played games and danced the night away in the STEM Hearth Room.

MICDS has monthly Best Buddy group activities with their peer buddies, and buddy pairs keep in touch with each other each week either via text, phone, or one-on-one outings. For more information on Best Buddies, please see:
