Students on the Mandarin Field trip

Students Taking Mandarin Embark on Engaging Field Trips

Middle Schoolers and Upper Schoolers currently taking Mandarin went on separate field trips to Lu Lu Chinese Restaurant and then to the St. Louis Language Immersion School, where they toured the school and did fun activities with students. One group studied vocabulary and drew Chinese characters with young students, while another group learned how to make dumplings!

The St. Louis Language Immersion School is a charter school located off of Marine Ave. just east of the Gravois Park neighborhood in St. Louis city. Its goal is to prepare globally conscious bilingual students by providing a rigorous academic education. Many students who attend the school come from low-income homes, and the school projects that, by teaching students another language, they will have another step up toward a successful future. The school offers tracks in Mandarin, French and Spanish to students.
