AP Psych Students talk with the lower schoolers

Upper School AP Psych Students Learn from Lower Schoolers

Lower Schoolers have a thing or two to teach Upper School AP Psych students. This week and next, Upper Schoolers visited or will visit Beasley so they can see developmental psychology constructs « in action. » Meanwhile, Beasley students have a chance to share what they’re learning about the subject of mindfulness with the « bigger kids. » After the Beasley students’ teaching time, they pair with Upper School students for one-on-one interviews.

« It’s satisfying to see students creatively explore human development—domains of social, moral, physical, cognitive development, » said Math and Psychology Teacher Aaron Proctor who teaches several sections of AP Psychology, while Diane Gioia teaches the other sections.

The cross-divisional time has become a yearly tradition, and this year it expanded to several more Beasley classes, including 4th grade art.

« They get to choose and develop their own project with the little ones, and just the pure joy and happiness I see in the actual interactions, from both sets of kids, is inspiring, » said Proctor.