May Day Moved to 3:30 p.m.

Pennies for Peru 2019

Another Successful Pennies for Peru Collection

Continuing a heartfelt tradition, the annual Pennies for Peru collection was a huge success once again! More than $2,000 was collected, and the collected money will be used to help the PAMS (Peruvian American Medical Society) Ophthalmology center in Chincha to detect and correct eye vision problems and to obtain glasses to correct them. Upon receiving the generous donation, Dr. Manuel Valdivieso expressed, “Thank you very much to you and to MCIDS for the kind donation. That will be put to good use to expand Ophthalmology and other areas of the PAMS Polyclinic in Chincha.”

The funds will also help to buy school supplies, cleaning items, diapers for the elderly and food in bulk for the orphanage, nursing home and a public school in Chincha, Peru.

In the past, donations have:

  • gone towards the construction of the new PAMS (Peruvian Medical American Society) Chincha clinic. The clinic was completed in 2012 and upper school students were invited to participate in a medical mission that summer at the Clinic. Since then, additional groups of students have returned to the Clinic for three additional medical missions as part of the MICDS Peru Service Learning Program. We look forward to sending students to the PAMS Clinic again in June 2020.
  • assisted in the creation of the dental unit at the PAMS Chincha Clinic and the purchase of the first dental x-ray machine in the region. Most of the money for this new dental unit and x-ray machine was from your donations!
  • further outfitted the Chincha Clinic.
  • contributed to the care and medication for a child with leukemia in 2012.
  • bought bulk food and supplies for girls at the “Camino a la Solidaridad” orphanage and a nursing home in Chincha.
  • assisted with flooding relief efforts in 2017 after devastating flooding that killed hundreds and displaced hundreds of thousands.

Sincere gratitude goes to all those who donated and collected money for Pennies for Peru 2019! What a way to live into our Mission of living lives of purpose and service!

To add to the fun, students were challenged to create a picture out of the collection that they brought into their advisory. Spanish Teacher Anne Williamson‘s advisory won a relax day dress for their masterful creation below.

Thank you to all who are bringing smiles to those in need in Peru!