2018 Recognition Assembly Honors Individual Academic Achievements

This week, the Upper School held its annual Recognition Assembly, where students were honored for high levels of individual academic achievement.

Dr. Ken Mares, Director of the Students and Teachers as Research Scientists (STARS) program, presented awards to students who participated in the challenging research program:

Fatima Ali ’19
Jeffrey Desloge ’19
Haniya Habib ’19
Daniel Hochberg ’19
Srujay Pandiri ’19
Rida Qazi ’19
Anna Grace Yuska ’19

Matt Essmann and Scott Small presented the National Merit Semifinalists:

Julia Amato ’19
Andrew Zhao ’19
Margaret Woodburn ’19
Jacob Tielking ’19
Hope Abel ’19
Mimi Klahr ’19

To conclude the assembly, Assistant Head of School Brian Thomas shared his congratulations and a reflection on the hard work each student in the MICDS community puts forth day in and day out to pursue their academic goals.

Thomas shared, “You achieve because you dare greatly. Maybe not today on this stage, but in the small and large ways that people achieve. An act of kindness here or a discovery there. You all achieve because you dare to put yourselves out there to become new and re-born every day—into better versions of yourselves.”
