The Field Hockey varsity team teaches the lower schoolers

Beasley Students Learn Field Hockey Fundamentals With Varsity Team

Thirty-five Beasley students joined the varsity field hockey team on Monday for an hour-long clinic to learn the fundamentals of field hockey. Players split off into different groups to teach enthusiastic students everything from how to properly hold a stick to how to hit the ball.

“I think it is important for us to keep trying to find ways for our older students and younger students to spend time together,» said Lynn Mittler, head coach of the varsity field hockey team. «For the younger students, seeing what they will eventually grow up to be can be exciting. For the older students, it is a nice reminder of the joy they found in learning, sports and being a kid again.”

Lower School students also learned passing and ball handling skills, practicing with other classmates under the supervision and direction of the varsity team.

«Both groups were definitely tired after their hour together,» said Mittler.

With such an early start, we’re sure to see even more star field hockey players in the School’s future!