Girls on the Run finishes the season with a 5k run on campus

Girls on the Run Ends Season with 5k

Congrats to our 3rd & 4th grade Girls on the Run team! Fourteen girls participated with support from five coaches (Aubrey Schmoll, Katie Gaebler, Kelly Walsh, Emily Coppersmith, Amy Scheer) this season. The girls celebrated their season with a 5k over the weekend. The Upper School cross country team volunteered at the race to offer the girls extra support.

Each season the girls pick a way to give back to the community. This year they decided to help the APA by collecting donations from their wishlist. On Saturday, November 11th the girls visited the APA to drop off the donations and read to a few animals.

Girls on the Run is a positive youth development program for girls in 3rd through 5th grade. During the 10-week program, girls gain a greater self-awareness, a sense of achievement and a foundation in team building to help them become strong, happy, and self-confident young women. Each session is led by trained coaches that guide and mentor girls through a fun and uplifting curriculum. Coaches teach specific life lessons such as dealing with body image and the media, resisting peer-pressure, making healthy decisions, and contributing to the community. Along the way, the girls train together to run in a 5K (3.1 mile) event with all of the other Girls on the Run participants in the St. Louis region.
