Seniors and Eighth Graders Honor Teachers with Rivinus and Duncan Awards

We hope you have enjoyed the recent stories celebrating faculty and staff for their 10 and 15 year milestones, 20 and 25 year milestones and 30 and 35 year milestones. This week, we share two special student-selected faculty honors: the Rivinus Award and the Duncan Award. Congratulations to the two awardees below!

Brian Coco - Rivinus Award

The Rivinus Award is presented to a teacher who is selected by vote of the senior class. The award reads, “Elected by his students for his hard work, selfless determination and selfless giving which challenges students to strive for excellence and achieve their full potential.” The Class of 2020 has chosen Upper School Science Teacher Brian Coco as this year’s winner of the Rivinus Award. Student Council Co-Head Meredith Goldberg ’20 said, “Mr. Coco’s optimism permeates every classroom and space. His zest for teaching and educating the future generation is inspiring. Whether it be in the science lab sitting with a student to make sure they do not fall behind, or in the student leadership group learning environment educating the seniors on how to be well-rounded, kind and compassionate global citizens, Mr. Coco’s impact is profound. It is with grace, heart and a great deal of spirit that he makes the MICDS community one of avid curiosity and enthusiasm. » 

Maggie Dunson - Duncan Award

The Duncan Award reads: “Elected by her students for her hard work, determination and selfless giving which challenges students to strive for excellence and achieve their full potential.” We are pleased to announce that the winner of the 2020 Duncan Award, chosen by vote of the 8th Grade Class of 2024 is Middle School English Teacher Maggie Dunson. One of her students shared, “Ms. Dunson is genuinely one of the best teachers I’ve ever had within the MICDS community. She is understanding and empathetic of the world around her and her students. She is beyond kind and extremely fun to be around. Not to mention she is a phenomenal teacher. I remember on her birthday, our advisory surprised her, and she was so happy, and it was a special moment for all of us, I think.” Another advisee said, “Ms. Dunson always encourages her students to do their very best. She was my advisor in seventh grade and I still feel like I can talk to her about absolutely anything in the world. She is the sweetest and I will never forget what a great experience I had as her student.”

Congratulations on these prestigious honors!