Student Achievement: Liu ‚ 24, Kamat ’18

Megan Liu ’24 won 1st place at the MMTA Pre-Collegiate Piano Competition (Missouri State level).

Ehan Kamat ’18 recently won the SLU Teen Escalator Pitch Contest with a new business concept. There were over 70 entries from high school students in the greater Saint Louis area. Twenty-four finalists were selected to pitch their ideas to local business owners and judges on escalators at the Scotttrade Center. After two heats, five students were chosen to pitch the final judges (including Chris Zimmerman, president and CEO of the St. Louis Blues) in a luxury suite setting. Ehan won the big check of $500 with his concept MAKE-A-RON (a kit to make and display French Macarons at home – one of the most difficult pastries to make). Using the kit, Ehan made his own macarons and provided the judges with samples.