Volunteer for Pedal for the Cause

Save the Date of October 2:  Volunteers are needed to host a Refueling (Aid) Station in C Lot for Pedal the Cause on Sunday, October 2, from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m..  This station will provide food, water and restroom facilities for bicyclists coming down Ladue Road and 100% of all proceeds will benefit cancer research.  You may choose to sign up for a 30-minute shift or stay for the entire time. Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age and we will need a minimum of 30 people at the station at all times.    This is a great opportunity for parents and students to work together for a good cause, so please don’t miss out on the fun!  Free food, T-shirts, and entertainment will also be provided. For more information or to volunteer,  please contact Dr. Nancy Richardson, US Coordinator for Community Service, at nrichardson@micds.org or 995-7450, x. 7528
